best cbse schools in dehradun



The TonsBridge follows the CBSE syllabus, within which flexibility of methodology and the use of experimental learning systems is encouraged. This approach helps to eliminate the need of learning by memorization and develops a healthy and positive attitude towards learning. The system of evaluation takes into account the individual nature of every child and tries to give an adequate feedback on the student’s learning, without putting undue pressure on him/her. As the child progresses through the classes, the assessment is gradually modified to prepare him/her for external tests and competitive exams.


For Nursery : Age should be 3+ years as on 31st March of the year of admission.

For I : Age should be 6+ years as on 31st March of the year of admission.

Admission Process

There is no written admission test for classes KG & I. Admission is offered on the basis of an informal interaction/interview. For Grade II onwards, aspiring students are expected to face an interview & also take a written test.

Admission to the boarding programme at TonsBridge are accepted from Grade III Onwards.

The test will be held for English, Hindi, Mathematics and/or any other subject which may be considered necessary.

  1. The selection of the candidates will depend upon the child’s performance in the test/ interview and availability of seats in the concerned class
  2. Assessment of the child for admission is also based on the following factors:-
    • Academic readiness and motivation.
    • Social and emotional development.
    • Family co-operation in working with the school and meeting the needs of the students.
    • Ability of the school to serve the needs of the child.
  3. The date of the result and the interview & the last date for the submission of fee will be specified at the time of the test/interview
  4. Based on the Admission Test and other criteria, the School reserves the right to admit any student who is found fit for admission or refuse admission without assigning any reason. For all matters related to admissions, the decision of the School Head/Management shall be final.

Students offered admission are required to submit the following documents along with their Admission Form:

  • 4 Passport Size Photographs & 1 of each parent, duly affixed on the form.
  • Original Transfer Certificate from previous School, which should be a recognized School, affiliated to the CBSE or ICSE Board or State Board of Education. Transfer certificate should be countersigned by the DEO if the child is transferred from other States.
  • A Medical Certificate from a qualified registered doctor, showing the record of vaccination/immunization etc. as well as mention of any particular ailment or health condition about which school ought to know, will also be required to be submitted at the time of admission.

Apart from the above mentioned documents, attested photocopies of the following documents, together with originals, will have to be shown for verification. Originals will be returned to parents after the completion of the process:-

  • Birth Certificate issued by MCD/ Civic Authorities.
  • Evidence of passing the last class or promotion to the present class.
  • Proof of residence of the child (Ration Card/ voter’s ID/Passport).
  • Aadhaar Card.

School Policies

Parent-Teacher Interaction

Parent-Teacher Interaction meetings provide an important platform to sit together and discuss the progress of the children and solve problems that may arise during the teaching-learning process.

Award Policy

To encourage the children to put in their best effort, the school practices a system of rewarding children who excel in any field. Certificates of Excellence and Certificates of Participation are awarded for all the activities held in the School.

Annual Awards are presented to the students for excellence in various fields like academics, co- curricular and extra-curricular activities and sports.

School Rules


  1. Students are expected to behave in a dignified manner both in and out of school. Rowdy, disrespectful, disobedient, undignified or indecent behavior in any form will car for very strict punishment, which may include expulsion from the School.
  2. Students are strictly prohibited from bringing mobile phones to the School. Mobile phones found in their possession will be confiscated.
  3. The use or even possession of alcohol, tobacco for smoking or chewing, pan-masala, betel leaf or betel nut or any form of intoxicant is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will lead to expulsion from the School.
  4. Students should take care of their money and other belongings. The School will not be responsible for any loss. Students should not bring to School any valuable articles or cash beyond their daily requirement.
  5. Students are expected to take proper care of School property. Any damage or loss to School property will have to be paid for by the students responsible for it, in addition to a punitive fine.
  6. Students must be neatly turned out in School Uniform as laid down by the School for different occasions or activities. The use of ornaments or make-up is strictly prohibited. Parents are also requested to be formally dressed during their visits to the School.
  7. Stealing or cheating in any form will attract the strictest penalty.
  8. Students must be regular and punctual in attendance. A student must put in at least 75% attendance to be eligible to take the promotion examination.
  9. Attendance on the closing and re-opening days after the vacations or a Break is absolutely essential. Failure to do will attract severe punishment, including a fine of Rs.100/- per day.
  10. Forgery of any kind, including forging signatures of parents on leave applications and other applications or forging of signature of School Authorities and teachers on any document will lead to the immediate expulsion of the student from the School.
  11. Students must attend all activities for functions for which they are required, as and when, by the School, even on Sundays and holidays. Parents will required to make the necessary transport and other arrangements for their wards.

Use of Unfair Means

The use of unfair means in any form in tests or examinations will lead to the immediate expulsion of the student from the School.

Progress And Promotions

  1. All students are expected to be sincere and devote themselves whole-heartedly to their studies.
  2. Promotions are based on the principle of sustained effort and continuous assessment. Pass marks in each subject are 40% and a student must obtain a pass in all subjects. The decision of the School with regard to promotion from class IX to X and from class XI to XII will be considered as final.


  1. Leave for students should be applied for only when it is unavoidable as missing class adversely impacts the child’s progress.
  2. Parents are requested to ask for leave for their child only in the most unavoidable circumstances. Children already have two long vacations and a large number of holidays in the year. Parents are requested to plan their social and other engagements keeping in view the academic interest of their children.
  3. All leave must be applied for, in writing, or through mail at least three days in advance except in unforeseen circumstances, in which case an application must be submitted by e-mail or in writing on the day the students returns to School.
  4. Leave on health grounds for more than two days must be accompanied by a Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner.
  5. Absence from Examinations/Tests will results in failure except in case of serious illness, for which a Medical Certificate must be submitted from a Govt. Medical Officer.
  6. Absence without leave for 30days or more will automatically lead to a student’s name being struck off the rolls of the School. Re-admission, if granted at the Principal’s discretion, will be treated as a case of new admission.
  7. Leave applications can be made only by the parents, never by a student himself/herself. The application must carry the name and class of the student and the full signature, date and name of the parent.
  8. Parents are requested to avoid embarrassment and disappointment by not asking for leave which is not in accordance with the rules.


Meeting Teachers, Principal

  1. Parents are not permitted to enter the classrooms or to meet the Teachers directly under any circumstances. However, they may be permitted to do so under special circumstances provided they meet the Principal first and seek his/her permission.
  2. Parents may meet the Principal on any working day in connection with their ward’s progress or to discuss any other issue concerning the School or their ward.

Policy For Arranging Meeting

Office Timings 8.00am to 3.00pm
Visiting Hours (with prior appointment)
Principal/Headmistress 12noon to1.00pm (All working days)
Teachers  With the prior permission of the  Principal/Headmistress

Motorized Vehicles Strictly Forbidden

The use of motorised vehicles within the School campus by students under the age 18 years is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will lead to the immediate expulsion of the student from the School.

Payment of Fees

  1. All fees are to be deposited by the 10th of the month. Fees may be paid online through the fee collection portal on our website or by cheque or in cash in the School’s Accounts Office.
  2. After the 10th of every month date, the fee will only be accepted along with a fine of Rs.50/- per day.
  3. In case the delay in payment of fees is more than 2months, (i.e., April fee paid in June), action will be taken as per discretion of the Management.

Transport Policy & Bus Rules

The School provides transport facility to its students. The transport fleet comprises two kinds of vehicles-those owned and operated by the School itself and those operated by private vendors.

School Transport: Seats on the School transport are offered on first – served basis and depend on their availability. The fee for the School’s own fleet is to be paid in the School’s Accounts Office along with the monthly School fee.

Private Transport: For the vehicles operated by the private vendors, the School’s role is only as a facilitator in suggesting the names of vendors who may be operating vehicles in the areas from which a child comes to School Tying up with these vendors, deciding the fee payable and settling all mutual issues shall be the responsibility of the parents.

Students will be collected as near to their home as possible. However, they may have to walk a ‘reasonable’ distance to the pickup point, which will be determined by the transport in-charge. The responsibility for ensuring a child’s safety in getting to and from the picking up/ getting down point rests with the parent.

Under no circumstances students or their parents/guardians shall force the bus employee to divert any route or change any pickup or drop-off points allotted at the beginning of the year.

Incase you wish to discontinue the bus facility, kindly give one month’s notice to the Accounts Officer in writing. Failure to notify the same will lead to paying of the transport fee for the month.

Bus Rule

All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.

Children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.

No student should come near the entry door of the bus until it has made a complete stop.

The buses will not wait for the late-comers.

When the bus is in motion, students should not move around in the bus and no part of their body should be outside the bus. Children should also not throw anything out of the window.

The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the school.

Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by their negligence.

Teachers-in-charge travelling in the bus and Bus Monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious offence must be reported to the School Head.

Under no circumstances will children be allowed to board another bus.

Misbehavior/indiscipline like shrieking and shouting in the bus or non-payment of bus fee may lead to cancellation of the bus facility for the student. The school retains the right to deny the facility to any one without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Transport Facility

The School has its own fleet of buses to transport its students to and from the school. The bus routes cover almost the entire town and more buses are being added as and when required. All the buses are new, completely roadworthy and comfortable for the students to travel with. The buses are equipped with CCTV and GPRS facility.

In keeping with the School’s commitment to ensure the safety and security of every child, the School has drivers and conductors in every bus. In addition, the School has appointed Bus Hostesses for all its buses with the express purpose of taking care of every child from the time he/she boards the bus to the time of disembarking.